Everyday, I remember the future

Louis-Paul Caron66 views

This portrait series questions the destiny of our avatars, digital lives and infinite realms once we´ll have abandoned the virtual to embrace reality. Our civilisation is on the verge to collapse, and we seek for refuge in virtual realms where an illusion of tranquility awaits, with no gravity and no climate change. It is with nostalgia of an eternal future that I have laid my virtual muses to rest in a digital sanctuary, a tribute to their ethereal existence on an ephemeral land.

Sniper Legends

4 online

Into The CYBERVERSE: Episode 1

1 online

Mostly Only Up!

20 online

Jailbreak Prison Run

1 online

Merge Survivor: Zombie!

9 online

Thai Ghost Fencing
Shroom Worlds - Art Gallery 1
AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos
Mental Health Services
Squid game By Meta Vitrine
Neon Ghost

4 online

MCM Wearable Casa
BIC Art Master Africa Virtual Gallery
Infinite Ascent

1 online

Victoria & Friends’ Playground
IV Encuentro de Matemáticas y Estadística